Source code for phildb.writer

import calendar
from datetime import datetime as dt, timedelta
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
import numpy as np
import os
import pandas as pd
from struct import pack, unpack, calcsize

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

from phildb.log_handler import LogHandler
from phildb.exceptions import DataError
from phildb.reader import __read, read

field_names = ['date', 'value', 'metaID']
entry_format = '<qdi' # long, double, int; See field names above.
entry_size = calcsize(entry_format)

def __pack(record_date, value, default_flag=DEFAULT_META_ID):

    if np.isnan(value):
        data = pack(entry_format,
        data = pack(entry_format, record_date, value, default_flag)

    return data

def __convert_and_validate(ts, freq):
        Enforces frequency.

        :param ts: Pandas Series object
        :type ts: pandas.Series


    if freq == 'IRR':
        series = ts
        series = ts.asfreq(freq)

    return series

def __calculate_offset(freqstr, start_date, first_record_date):
    if freqstr[-1] == 'T':
        if len(freqstr) == 1:
            freq_mult = 1
            freq_mult = int(freqstr[:-1])
        freqstr = 'T'
        freq_mult = 1

    if freqstr[-1] == 'S' and len(freqstr) > 1:
        freqstr = freqstr[:-1]

    return start_date.to_period(freqstr) - pd.to_datetime(first_record_date).to_period(freqstr)

def __write_missing(writer, freq, first_date, last_date, log_entries):
    log_entries = log_entries.copy()

    missing_dates = pd.date_range(first_date, last_date, freq = freq)
    for the_date in missing_dates:
        datestamp = calendar.timegm(the_date.utctimetuple())

        data = pack(


    return log_entries

def __update_existing_data(tsdb_file, series, log_entries):

    log_entries = log_entries.copy()
    with open(tsdb_file, 'rb') as reader:
        first_record = unpack(entry_format,

    first_record_date = dt(1970, 1, 1) + timedelta(seconds=first_record[0])

    offset = __calculate_offset(series.index.freqstr, series.index[0], first_record_date)

    with open(tsdb_file, 'r+b') as writer:
        existing_records = []

        # Read existing overlapping data for comparisons * offset, os.SEEK_SET)

        for record in iter(lambda:, ""):
            if not record: break
            existing_records.append(unpack(entry_format, record))

        records_length = len(existing_records)

        # Start a count for records from the starting write position
        rec_count = 0 * offset, os.SEEK_SET)
        for date, value in zip(series.index, series.values):
            datestamp = calendar.timegm(date.utctimetuple())
            overlapping = rec_count <= records_length - 1

            if overlapping and (existing_records[rec_count][1] == value or existing_records[rec_count][2] == MISSING_VALUE):
                # Skip writing the entry if it hasn't changed.
       * (rec_count +1) + (entry_size * offset), os.SEEK_SET)
            elif overlapping and existing_records[rec_count][1] != value:

                data = __pack(datestamp, value)
                data = __pack(datestamp, value)
            rec_count += 1

    return log_entries

[docs]def write(tsdb_file, ts, freq): """ Smart write. Will only update existing values where they have changed. Changed existing values are returned in a list. :param tsdb_file: File to write timeseries data into. :type tsdb_file: string :param ts: Timeseries data to write. :type ts: pd.Series :param freq: Frequency of the data. (e.g. 'D' for daily, '1Min' for minutely). Accepts any string that pandas.TimeSeries.asfreq does or 'IRR' for irregular data. :type freq: string """ series = __convert_and_validate(ts, freq) log_entries = {'C': [], 'U': []} if len(series) == 0: return log_entries # If the file didn't exist it is a straight foward write and we can # just return at the end of this if block. if not os.path.isfile(tsdb_file): with open(tsdb_file, 'wb') as writer: for date, value in zip(series.index, series.values): datestamp = calendar.timegm(date.utctimetuple()) log_entries['C'].append( ( datestamp, value, DEFAULT_META_ID ) ) data = __pack(datestamp, value) writer.write(data) return log_entries # If we reached here it wasn't a straight write to a new file. if freq == 'IRR': return write_irregular_data(tsdb_file, series) else: return write_regular_data(tsdb_file, series)
[docs]def write_regular_data(tsdb_file, series): """ Smart write. Expects continuous time series. Will only update existing values where they have changed. Changed existing values are returned in a list. :param tsdb_file: File to write timeseries data into. :type tsdb_file: string :param series: Pandas Series of regular data to write. :type series: pandas.Series """ start_date = series.index[0] end_date = series.index[-1] log_entries = {'C': [], 'U': []} with open(tsdb_file, 'rb') as reader: first_record = unpack(entry_format, * -1, os.SEEK_END) last_record = unpack(entry_format, first_record_date = pd.Timestamp(dt(1970, 1, 1) + timedelta(seconds=first_record[0]), freq=series.index.freq) last_record_date = pd.Timestamp(dt(1970, 1, 1) + timedelta(seconds=last_record[0]), freq=series.index.freq) offset = __calculate_offset(series.index.freqstr, start_date, first_record_date) # We are prepending to existing data if start_date < first_record_date: # Keep original data before writing (since a new file needs to be # written for a prepend operation) os.rename(tsdb_file, tsdb_file+'.tmp') # Write all the data up to the original first_record_date with open(tsdb_file, 'wb') as writer: for date, value in zip( series.loc[:first_record_date-1].index, series.loc[:first_record_date-1].values ): datestamp = calendar.timegm(date.utctimetuple()) log_entries['C'].append( ( datestamp, value, DEFAULT_META_ID ) ) data = __pack(datestamp, value) writer.write(data) # Fill any missing values between the end of the new series and the start of the old with open(tsdb_file, 'ab') as writer: log_entries = __write_missing( writer, series.index.freq, end_date + 1, pd.Timestamp(first_record_date, freq = series.index.freq) - 1, log_entries ) # Copy over existing data with open(tsdb_file + '.tmp', 'rb') as original_data, open(tsdb_file, 'ab') as writer: for chunk in iter(lambda:, b''): writer.write(chunk) # Remove temporary file now that its contents has been copied os.remove(tsdb_file+'.tmp') # Update existing data if len(series.loc[first_record_date:]) > 0: log_entries = __update_existing_data(tsdb_file, series.loc[first_record_date:], log_entries) # We are updating existing data elif start_date <= last_record_date: log_entries = __update_existing_data(tsdb_file, series, log_entries) # We are appending data elif start_date > last_record_date: with open(tsdb_file, 'a+b') as writer: last_record_date = pd.Timestamp(last_record_date, freq=series.index.freq) + 1 log_entries = __write_missing(writer, series.index.freq, last_record_date, start_date - 1, log_entries) for date, value in zip(series.index, series.values): datestamp = calendar.timegm(date.utctimetuple()) log_entries['C'].append( ( datestamp, value, DEFAULT_META_ID ) ) data = __pack(datestamp, value) writer.write(data) else: # Not yet supported raise NotImplementedError return log_entries
[docs]def write_irregular_data(tsdb_file, series): """ Smart write of irregular data. Will only update existing values where they have changed. Changed existing values are returned in a list. :param tsdb_file: File to write timeseries data into. :type tsdb_file: string :param series: Pandas Series of irregular data to write. :type series: pandas.Series :type freq: string """ existing = __read(tsdb_file) if series.dtype == np.float32: series = series.astype(np.float64) overlap_idx = existing.index.intersection(series.index) modified = series.ix[overlap_idx] != existing.value.ix[overlap_idx] records_to_modify = existing.loc[overlap_idx].ix[modified.values] new_records = series.index.difference(existing.index) log_entries = {'C': [], 'U': []} if len(records_to_modify) == 0 and len(new_records) == 0: return log_entries for date, orig_value, meta_id, new_value in zip( records_to_modify.index, records_to_modify.value, records_to_modify.metaID, series.loc[records_to_modify.index] ): datestamp = int(date.value / 1000000000) log_entries['C'].append((datestamp, new_value, meta_id)) log_entries['U'].append((datestamp, orig_value, meta_id)) append_only = len(overlap_idx) == 0 and existing.index[-1] < series.index[0] if append_only: merged = series fmode = 'ab' else: # combine_first does not preserve null values in the original series. # So do an initial merge. merged = series.combine_first(existing.value) fmode = 'wb' # Then replace the null values from the update series. null_vals = series.isnull() null_idx = null_vals.loc[null_vals==True].index merged.loc[null_idx] = np.nan merged = pd.DataFrame({'value': merged}) merged['datestamp'] = pd.Series( lambda dateval: dateval.value // 1000000000, ), index=merged.index) new_logs = [(row.datestamp, row.value, DEFAULT_META_ID) for idx, row in merged.ix[new_records].iterrows()] log_entries['C'] += new_logs # Only attempt to do backups of file if we're doing a destructive # write. This means if we are opening the file in "w" mode. If in # append_only then we are using "a" mode which is non-destructive # and we really actually want to keep the existing file's data. if not append_only: os.rename(tsdb_file, tsdb_file + 'backup') try: with open(tsdb_file, fmode) as writer: def write_record(row): writer.write(__pack(int(row[0]), row[1])) return row np.apply_along_axis(write_record, 1, merged[['datestamp', 'value']].values) except Exception: # On any failure writing restore the original file. if not append_only: os.rename(tsdb_file + 'backup', tsdb_file) logger.exception("Error writing irregular data to %s. No data change made.", tsdb_file) raise else: # On successfull write remove the original file. if not append_only: os.unlink(tsdb_file + 'backup') return log_entries
[docs]def write_log(log_file, modified, replacement_datetime): if not os.path.exists(log_file): with LogHandler(log_file, 'w') as writer: writer.create_skeleton() with LogHandler(log_file, 'a') as writer: writer.write(modified, calendar.timegm(replacement_datetime.utctimetuple()))